When I think of happy times
I think of me and you,
When I think of troubled times,
I think of you coming to my rescue,
When I remember crazy times,
I think about your clarity,
When I think of depressing times,
I think of you as my fairy,
When I think of boring times,
I think all the stupidity we’ve had,
When I think to do endless talk,
I think to finish it with you with a long walk,
When I think of evening coffee,
I think of you for chitchats,
When I think to be nuisance,
I think it can't be in your absence,
When I think to go away for walk,
I think of you to hold my lil finger and will do healthy talk.
Whenever I think I'm feeling blue,
I think of you, who always provide a meaningful clue.
Whenever I need some motivation
I think of your determination
Wishing you a very happy birthday Butku May you achieve whatever you want in life.
Lots of love
Your sis❤️
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